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Monday, November 1, 2010

"I am mentally ill...I am supposed to act out!" ---12 Monkeys, film by Terry Gilliam

I have recovered my life, finally after trying out 6 different hospitals in 7 days, spending 2 1/2 weeks in prison after what I term, the "Unfortunate Incident," and yet another 1 1/2 weeks in yet another asylum. After said "Incident" I was evicted from my residence and homeless until taken in by my nearly retired parents. I moved states, yet still have my driver's license suspended and will be serving probation for the next four years. Needless to say, life is quite different now, slower. I am glad to finally "be of use," even if it is only for doing the most menial of tasks. Nothing like taking care of those who took care of you.

Got the book "Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears," by Pema Chadron. A skant 99 pages, but brimming FULL of wisdom. She is like the sane little old grandmother I never had. Buddhism is the only thing that I have found to help with my mental illness, other than the highly addictive benzodiazipines. There are trade-offs in life, I guess.

This is the first post of what, hopefully, will be many. I need to collect the thoughts that keep bouncing in my head and make some money. I am confident that my many ramblings will eventually, spontaneously, form into a cohesive whole, one that is marketable and EVERYTHING! Yeah, yeah.....

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